Friday, 15 November 2013

Real Techniques collection • oliviamayharker


I know it's been a while (shoot me) but college suddenly decided it was okay to give me around 82486247246746 essays to write so they took priority. Damn college. But anyway, it's the weekend now and I'm trying to write as many posts as possible for you guys now.

Today I've got my Real Techniques brush collection post as it's been requested quite a lot on my Instagram after my recent picture of them, so here it goes...

If you didn't know already, Real Techniques are made by a fellow blogger, and Youtuber, named Sam Chapman, now if you haven't already heard of Sam, where have you been hiding? Sam and her sister, Nic, run the Youtube channel, Pixiwoo

Admittedly, I may have given the buffing brush to my mum, I had no use for it as I use the Expert Face Brush to apply my foundation (and she was also moaning about wanting a brush for her foundation). She LOVES the buffing brush, she honestly thinks its revolutionary. It is also good for applying cream bronzer.
I use the blush brush for powder blush, which if I'm honest, is a rare occurrence, I'm more of a cream blush girl myself.
Next is the powder brush, which is also very lovely. This applies the Rimmel Stay Matter Power excellently. Perfect combo.
Now, this is the cream of the crop. Right here, right now. The stippling brush is possibly, my favourite brush OF ALL TIME *dramatic music*. Stippling on my blush is the favourite part of my morning routine.
Now, I must say the say about the Expert Face, it applies my foundation flawlessly, and it's so fluffy I'M GONNA DIE

Back to front: Contour Brush (Core Collection), Pointed foundation brush (Core Collection), Deluxe Crease Brush, Base Shadow brush, Brow Brush, Pixel Point eyeliner Brush, Accent Brush (all Eye Starter Set)

Contour brush- even though I don't contour my face, I use this to apply my highlight, and I must say, it does it tremendously. 
The pointed foundation brush is the neglected one of the pack. However, it does well for applying concealer in all of the nooks and crannys.
I'll talk about the Starter Set as one big family, and if I had to sum it up in one word, it would be, WOW. I was sceptical about buying this at first, I thought, 'who needs five brushed when you only have 2 eyes?' and oh how I was wrong. I use all of these brushes (apart from the brow brush, as I don't fill in my brows yet, however when I do, this will be my pick). They're all lovely and a steal at £21.99

Let me know if you have any Real Techniques, and what are you favourites? Any recommendations?

If you have any requests for posts, I always love to hear them!

Olivia x

Themed Instagram, for the floral go to: oliviamayharker
Personal Instagram, to see what I do in day to day life go to: oliviaharker
Twitter, to read what I do 24/7 go to: @oliviamayharker


  1. I definitely agree with the stippling brush! I don't know what I'd do without that and the expert face brush! I've been a considering adding a powder to my routine, so will make sure to get that powder brush to apply it! xx

  2. Hi Olivia it's Laura from Instagram (369laura) just wanted to leave a comment to say I'm really enjoying your blog! Love this post! Hope all is going well with college and looking forward to reading more of your posts! :) xx
